Tofu stir fry with rice

Tofu stir fry with rice

4 persons


300 grams of tofu

4 eggs

5 cloves of garlic

2 onions

100 grams of beans

100 grams of broccoli

100 grams of cauliflower

100 grams of peas

6 tablespoons Tesmi

400 grams of rice

Handful of fried onions


Cutting board


Whisk or fork


Wok pan


Preparation method:

Place the rice in a pot and fill it with water. The water should come about a fingertip above the top grain of rice. Place the pot with the lid on medium heat.

Cut the tofu into cubes. Break 4 eggs into a bowl and beat them well with a whisk or fork. When the eggs have become a nice yellow whole, add the tofu. Mix everything well. Put a wok on the stove and melt 4 tablespoons of Tesmi in it. Then add the tofu egg mixture and fry everything until nice and crispy. In the meantime, check the rice occasionally. When the moisture is gone, turn off the heat and let the rice stand for another 5 minutes with the lid on the pan.

Chop the garlic and onion into small pieces and add to the tofu. Then add the beans, broccoli, cauliflower and peas and another 2 tablespoons of Tesmi. Mix everything well.

Take a deep plate and scoop the rice into it. Then scoop the Tofu with vegetables on top. Garnish with some fried onions and enjoy!

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